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tenant watch dog

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Tenant Watch Dog

5 Responses

  1. I am having a problem with an attorney trying to talk me into a lawsuit. I found your site on twitter. They keep calling trying to get me to say things that didnt happen. I am currently in a payment arrangement with the debt collector because it is my debt. Not sure what I should do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I’ve had an attorney contact me out of nowhere telling me I could sue my debt collector. I found one of your videos on YouTube about this attorney, Lemberg Law thank you for letting people like me know the truth about these scum attorney and debt collector reviews very helpful!

  3. Finally someone gives a great review site, these lawyers that are always after people to sue debt collectors should be reviewed. I too was contacted by an attorney from a reddit post i commented on, these lawfirms are all over the internet on different social media platforms just hunting for the next person that doesn’t know any better. You are better off settling with the debt collector, trust me.

  4. Here is my problem, Lemberg Law contacted me via Facebook Messenger and asked all these questions on how many calls I received, when, and other silly questions. She told me I could sue the debt collector. After some back and forth, I called and spoke to her. What I do not understand is this lawfirm wants me to sue but won’t I still owe the debt if I am already in a payment plan?

    1. Thank you for your comment, Candice. This type of business model from attorneys is common. We highly recommend negotiating with the Debt Collector to satisfy your debt. Most Debt Collectors will allow you to pay a portion of the debt owed (known as a debt settlement).

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