About Tenant Watch Dog

Debt Collector Reviews

Learn About Tenant Watch Dog and why we were created.  We are here to give consumers FREE help when dealing with past housing debt.  We are a group of volunteers that spend time researching what is real and what is fake in regards to the main debt collectors collecting past debt from consumers.  We spend a lot of time on research and we even take it a step further and speak directly to the debt collectors in many cases. 

You will find articles on general debt collection help, along with Debt Collector Reviews by real consumers to help you understand how to best handle the situation whether you own the debt, have already paid the debt, and even if the debt is not yours at all.

Our Goal

Our goal has not changed from the moment Tenant Watch Dog was created.  About Tenant Watch Dog, we are here to help consumers.  Understand that not all debt collector are bad, however there are many debt collectors or the agents that work for them that do not follow the rules.  Yes there are rules that all debt collectors must abide by that is governed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).  

The actual law is called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).  

This is a federal law that provides limitations on what debt collectors can do when collecting certain types of debt. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act covers how debt collection is reported in credit reports. In addition, there are state laws that provide protections.

We are here to make sure that the Debt Collector is doing what they should and protect consumers from credit issues and other issues that can come up when dealing with Debt Collectors.  We have built a database of the top Debt Collectors that collect for past housing debt.  You can view the Debt Collector List here.

All of our reviews are open to consumers to view and submit their own reviews at any time.

How We Conduct Research

About Tenant Watch Dog Research

About Tenant Watch Dog. At our organization, we don’t believe in simply relying on hearsay and unconfirmed rumors. We understand the importance of having accurate data when it comes to managing apartment debt, which is why our research team goes above and beyond to ensure that the information we provide is factual and reliable.

We take our role seriously and devote significant time to researching each Apartment Debt Collector that we feature. Our team spends weeks, even months, combing through the internet and various sources to gather all critical information we can find. We want to provide consumers with the most up-to-date, comprehensive information possible, so that they can make informed decisions and take the appropriate action needed. We are committed to providing consumers with top-quality resources, and we take pride in our thorough approach to research and fact checking.

At our company, keeping consumers informed with the most up-to-date and accurate information is one of our top priorities. To ensure that we provide the most comprehensive and detailed information about the Apartment Debt Collectors, we utilize various listening tools, including Google Alerts. This enables us to monitor any new updates or changes related to the Apartment Debt Collectors in real-time so we can keep our information fresh and relevant.

More Information About Tenant Watch Dog, As part of our commitment to transparency and accuracy, we always strive to promptly update consumers when new information becomes available. This way, consumers can feel confident that they have the most current information at their fingertips. So, you can rest assured that whenever there is any new information or updates regarding the Apartment Debt Collectors, we will diligently and promptly incorporate them into our database.